Click album for Performer List
 Jesus Christ Superstar Musical Score  
   These files were sent to me by a musician in England. THANKS PEDRO! He is working on JCS music and will perform in a production there soon. He has checked these files for accuracy. But since I have not checked them personally I cannot honestly say that they are 100% correct (or that they match my JCS Chords & Lyrics page).
   I am making them available here for the many people (usually keyboardists) who write to me asking if I have a copy of the score. 
   If any of you find inaccuracies in the written music please let me know.
   Note: You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these files.
 JCS Score files in .pdf format  
Robb says "THANKS to 'PEDRO' in the UK!
Note: To download files right-click on link, choose "Save Target As..."
 Heaven On Their Minds
 What's The Buzz
 Strange Thing Mystifying
 Everything's Alright
 This Jesus Must Die
 Simon Zealotes/Poor Jerusalem
 Pilate's Dream
 The Temple
Everything's Alright (reprise)
 I Don't Know How to Love Him
 Damned For All Time/Blood Money

 ACT 2  
 The Last Supper
 Gethsemane (I only want to say)

 The Arrest
 Peter's Denial
 Pilate and Christ
 King Herod's Song
 Could We Start Again
 Judas' Death
 Trial Before Pilate (incl. 39 lashes)
 The Crucifixion
 John Nineteen Forty-One

Could We Start Again, Please?
Curtain Call A - Superstar
Curtain Call B - Hosanna
Curtain Call C - Superstar

 Image scans of sheet music for:
Could We Start Again, Please? and Then We Are Decided 

PETE's JCS Sheet Music and Tab for guitar in pdf

 JCS MIDI files (from the pdf files on the left)  
These are MIDI files generated from the .pdf files to the left in order to check the notes. There has been NO attempt to get the tempos or instruments correct in these files! The arrangements sound VERY much like the "Solo Piano" MIDI files on my
MIDI page (which sound much better). They generally sound like one person (sometimes with 3 or 4 hands) playing the chords and melody arranged for one piano.
Better sounding MIDI files can be found at my JCS MIDI page here -
Jesus Christ Superstar MIDI Files
 Heaven On Their Minds
 What's The Buzz
 Strange Thing Mystifying
 Everything's Alright
 This Jesus Must Die

 Simon Zealotes/Poor Jerusalem
 Pilate's Dream
 The Temple

Everything's Alright (reprise)
 I Don't Know How to Love Him
 Damned For All Time/Blood Money

 ACT 2  
 The Last Supper
 Gethsemane (I only want to say)
 The Arrest
 Peter's Denial
 Pilate and Christ
 King Herod's Song
 Could We Start Again

 Judas' Death
 Trial Before Pilate (incl. 39 lashes)
 The Crucifixion
 John Nineteen Forty-One

Could We Start Again, Please?
Curtain Call A - Superstar
Curtain Call B - Hosanna
Curtain Call C - Superstar

    Links to other JCS sites     Chord Finder (NEW!)     Real Audio Files     MIDI Page